HONERARY MENTION SECOND ANNUAL EDGEWOOD SENIOR GAMES "OPEN DIVISION" DEC 11, 2019F Of all of the well-executed pickleball shots that I witnessed during this tournament, one in particular stands out the most. And in my absent mindedness, I plumb forgot to reference it in my prior account of this event. I specifically avoided mentioning players names in the previous post, out of respect for their privacy. Nor did I want to highlight one players Performance over another. As stated in my previous post, "In my opinion, they all deserved "Gold Medals." The shot that impressed me the most was the infamous "Around The Net Post Return, executed by Dahlia Hirsh, while playing with her partner Charlie Garrett. Under "USAPA & IFP Rule 11.M.(Section 11 Other Rules), Shots Around the Net Post are defined as a player may return the ball around the outside of the net post. Rule 11.M.1 states, “the ball does not need to travel back over the net.”...