LET THE BANGERS BANG, THEY GOT RIGHTS TOO! I posted this op-ed on my blog, knowing full well that some players choose not to play against hard hitting bangers. I RESPECT their decision and credit them for making a choice that best suites their manner of playing pickleball. However there are those of us who welcome this style of play, even though it's not our style of play. But be fore warned, you will be reliving some of my "politically incorrect youth." So if you are of a sensitive nature and deplore any form of violence, even in the Sporting Sense, I suggest that you should stop reading now!
Maybe I am a sago mastics (not sure about that spelling), but I rather enjoy playing against hard hitting bangers. WHY, you ask? During my teen years way back when, I was involved in Red Shield Boys Club Boxing. Back then, boys in my age group were a lot tougher and not shielded by their mothers like today. We began lifting weights at 12 & 13 and frequent engaged in practice street boxing.
That probably explains why I like playing against bangers......its the excited anticipation of being hit by a hard fast whiffle ball, reminds me of my long lost rough and tumble youth.
When you went home with a black eye or a bloody nose, not much fuss was made, as long as you were in time for supper. Usually my dad would ask if I held my own, or did I take a beating. Most times I faired OK because of my boxing experience.
Sometimes you got whooped by the big kid from another neighbor ood, or if it was two on one. The last thing you ever did was tell your parents some kid was pushing you around, and you did nothing to stop him. I don't ever recall even hearing the word "bully" in my youth. I guess just about all the boys back then could fist fight, so there really no bullies around.
Some of the worst whoopin's I got were from the Sisters of Charity in Catholic School. No one can tell me that part of their religious training didn't included Judo or Kung Fu. Those Nuns had a one-two punch that could deck any boy in the school. That's right, I said boy strictly in the male context . The "girls" never got hit, or punished, because they always "rated" on the boys.
Really sounds like a brutal and cruel time to most modern day parents, but that was how it was back in the day.
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