Hello All; New Dell Inspiron 3475 26GB 24" Touch Screen Wireless Computer with built-in monitor hard drive is a real piece of technological work. One wire ~ power plug. Wireless Ergonomic wide Keyboard and wireless mouse. Printer connects direct to Wi-Fi inside Router, which connects it to Computer. Programed with Windows 10 2019 version ~Microsoft Office 365 is a "writers" dream come true, once you learn how to navigate the system. I will give you all one piece of sage advice. Luckily when my old gateway died, the HardDrive was still good and all data was transferred from WPS to DocX. I should have been using a FLASH DRIVE to store all my documents and data on a day to day basis. If the old harddrive went caput I would have been up "Craps Creek." without a boat or paddle. My entire Book research and publishing data was on that old hard drive. FLASH DRIVES 64 GB is inexpensive & plugs into a buss connector on the back side of monitor or ...