
Showing posts from June, 2018

Baltimore County Police Officer Amy Caprio, Perry Hall Memorial Pickleball Courts

Hopefully, "The Kevin Kamenetz Memorial Outdoor Pickleball Arena at Honeygo Regional Park, Baltimore County, MD," will become a reality. Thanks to Baltimore County Recs and Parks Administrator Mr. Barry Williams and the Honorable Kevin Kamenetz 12th Baltimore County Executive, 2010 to 2018 deceased, the Baltimore County Pickleball Community is in the process of acquiring 60+ more outdoor places to play pickleball.  The County Government minimized cost to maximize recreational oppor5unities by identifying underused tennis courts through Baltimore County by adding permanent pickleball court lines.  I attended an open play at the North East Regional Recreation Center, Perring Parkway and Oakleigh Rd today to play pickleball on their newly lined pickleball courts.  Outside it was 98° inside it was in the upper 70°'s. The pickleball court lines are regulation 2" wide orange superimposed over top of tennis court lines. The courts are separated by drop netting and their ...

PROPOSED "Kevin B. Kamenetz, Baltimore County Executive Memorial Tribute

"Kevin B. Kamenetz, 12th  Baltimore County Executive                     (2010-2018) Memorial Tribute   Honeygo Regional Park Outdoor Pickleball Arena I have submitted the following written proposal to "Don Mohler" Interim Baltimore County Execute ,etal. Honorable Sir;    On behalf of the Baltimore County Pickleball Playing Community, with the deepest respect, appreciation, and remembrance of our recently departed "Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz," the 12th Baltimore County Executive,  who honorably served in this position from 2010 to 2018, I submit this proposal. "County Executive Kamenetz" was a great friend to the sport of pickleball, and to the many residents who enjoy playing the game.  "KK," as he was sometimes affectionally called, provided his leadership support to help grow the sport of Pickleball...


The following observations are not meant to be negative by "content."  Nor are they meant to be critical by :"intent."  But they are noteworthy for all serious pickleball players to, " lament." Recently, when I attended a local public funded Pickleball Open Play Program  I was somewhat disappointed as to how the rotation of game play was being conducted. I was told by some of newer players,  that the better players would not play with them, and they were experiencing problems getting enough players for a game. I played several games with these individuals and found that they had ample playing skills to participate in Open Play Pickleball. To be fair and accurate, this occurred  with an hour of the last round of play, and some of the  other players had left.  But there was still ample numbers of players hanging at one of  the courts. I believe this problems results when you identify one court for beginners,”  one court for “intermediates,”...


"PROPOSED:"   AWAITING FINAL APPROVAL  "SATURDAY PICKLEBALL CLINICS WITH NEW "LOBSTER 'PICKLE' BALL THROWING MACHINE AT HOLABIRD SPORTS RETAIL OUTLET STORE AT  9220 PULASKI HWY., BALTO. CO., MD 21220. "  The Pickleball Clinics will be conducted by "Joe Palmere Jr.", Professional Pickleball Coach Level II Certified, PTR/Professional Pickleball Coaching Registry Charter Member, Super Senior International Paickleball Assn.. The  Clinics will be conducted at the Store's indoor Racquet Practice Court, rain or shine.  The new LOBSTER 'PICKLE' Professional Ball Throwing Machine will be used to feed the participants balls to practice their shots. These Clinics will begin in July (dates to be announced) on a Saturday and run for three (3) consecutive Saturdays.  The Clinic times will be 10:30 to 11:30am and from 12:30 to 1:30pm.  The Clinics will cover the "How To's" of pickleball stroke development components, shot ...


SELECTING THE RIGHT BALL,  INDOOR Vs OUTDOOR, COLOR  Vs OPAGUE 2018 REVISED USAPA/IFP Pickleball Official Tournament Rulebook, Ball selection is clearly the responsibility of the Tournament Director.  However in non-officiated play, the USAPA has suggested that ball selection be made from the Approved Balls List taking into the  consideration the safety, visual capabilities, styles of play and the skill levels of players. 2018 REVISED USAPA/IFP Pickleball Official Tournament Rulebook, Section 2, COURT and EQUIPMENT Rule 2.D. Ball Figure 2-2 footnote.  Figure 2-2 display a ball customarily used for indoor play, and a ball customarily used for outdoor. HOWEVER, ALL APPROVED BALLS ARE ACCEPTABLE FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR PLAY.  An outdoor court surface on an indoor court indoors does not require the use of an outdoor ball. Nor does an outdoor court require the use of an outdoor ball.  According to THE OFFICIAL PICKLEBALL ...


RULES,  RULES! IT'S ALL ABOUT THE RULES, AND NOTHING BUT THE RULES, AS YOU RAISE YOUR RIGHT HAND,TO AFFIRM THE PICKLEBALL OATH, WHILE PLACING YOUR LEFT HAND ON THE  2018 USAPA/IFP OFFICIAL PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT RULEBOOK.  Those of you who know me will not be surprised when I tell you that my all time favorite read, especially with a cold Guinness Beer gently foaming atop a pint size frosted mug at an arms reach, while reclining in my LAZY BOY  lounger.  So what do you expect a Pickleball Junkie to say,  my favorite read is a "Book of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Hamlet or Macbeth, or maybe Playboy or Hustler ?  Are they still even being published  ? A BALL, A BALL,  MY KINGDOM FOR A BALL!  Richard The III, Shakespeare's own with a minor subjective change.  Just imagine, if Willie, and his fans, back in the days when knights were bold, had played pickleball.  and a ball fell from the Queens pocket and landed on the c...


HAIL CESAR! WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO PLAY SALUTE YOU.... Imagine the first day of the Gladiator Games in Ancient Roman. Hordes of  tunic clad blood thirsty, drunken spectators, packed this amphitheater of death, knowing full well the gory carnage that was about to unfold before their eyes. They once again, longed to hear the swash buckling clashes of metal blades against armor clad behemoths, and the deafening merciful moans of their dying opponents.  In the time “Before Christ” (BC), the “Coliseum” in the City of Rome, was know throughout the undeveloped regions of Europe, Asia and Africa, as a real life theatrical drama of the struggle of life over death.  This stage of annulation was  scripted to excite and entertain the crowd..  The "Coliseum" in Rome, was the only place in the ancient world, where a “captured slave” could gain his freedom and make his fortune by slaying any and all adversaries.  The more brutal the decapitations, and t...